Chapter 1.3 – Dramatic Irony

Hello again!

I’m writing this at 3am in an absolute haze because I slept pretty much all day yesterday and now my brain doesn’t know how to brain anymore. Naturally, this is the perfect time to write some more.

Last time, books were written, people were met, drinks were drunk, and our dear Founder got herself hitched. Great! Let’s keep going.

Obviously, the first order of business for the newlyweds was to become absolute horndogs. Thankfully, they preceded it with the “Get frisky” interaction, which I always forget exists and actually ends up making me feel emotions I don’t usually get around the topic of marriage.

I still imagine Anna “hur hur”-ing in these pictures, though, which does help squash that feeling right down.

I made the executive decision at the beginning of the Legacy to use Woohooer to replace regular Woohoo with Risky, and I also think I changed the Risky percentage to 25%. Stupidly, I thought it still would give us a bit of time before babies came on the scene, but no. Sorry to ruin any surprises, but this is indeed how the first baby of Gen 2 is conceived. Brilliant.

Ah good, you’re up. Time for a makeover!

Rena: Oh, what a shame, I seem to have broken both my ankles. I guess no makeover for me!

Guess again.

I’m so thankful that white is a colour I was already decorating the house with (in between obnoxious amounts of purple – just kidding, purple could never be obnoxious), and that I’m not subjecting anyone (mainly myself) to horrible colour schemes right at the beginning of the Legacy.

I’m a little annoyed, however, because the last game I was playing before starting the Bennets was an ISBI (undocumented, obviously), and the Founder had the EXACT SAME LTW and I BLOODY FULFILLED IT. On some level, I’m glad that at least it’s doable (looking at you, Firefighter Superhero), but I’m irritated that I have to do it all over again so soon.

Pity me, please (sniff sniff).

With Anna still in a haven of nocturnal activity, Rena got sent off for business reasons.

Rena: I love being married!

I’m not sure if she loves being married or just loves not being a homeless NPC anymore.

Rena: Both!

This order of business, if you’re wondering, and because I apparently didn’t get any pictures of it, was to sign her up to the Law Enforcement career, since she rolled the wish immediately upon moving in. I figured it couldn’t hurt.

Back home as a newly employed Snitch, we get started on the spellcasting portion of the LTW. I know I could go down the potions route, of course, and I guess I still could change my mind, but I’ve never been too handy with the ol’ potion-making thanks to its reliance on finding things. I will say that this town has an abundance of collectables, but it’s too much efforttttttt.

(It’s not that much effort, but I’m lazy, so spellcasting it is!)

Of course, as soon as she levels up, we get the requisite “turn something plantable into something else please” wish rolled up. This seed was practically next door to the house (hence what I said about an abundance of collectables) and I think was an uncommon one too, but it promptly got blasted.

Rena: Hehe, mushroom cloud.

Well done. Only took you three tries.

Back home, our resident brooder was thinking deep thoughts.

Anna: Is heartbreak real, or just a figment of our imaginations? Does a heart really split into two pieces, straight down the middle, cracked and splintering?

No? Obviously not? Is this really all you have to think about?

Not for long, it seems, as the brooding session was interrupted by a bout of oh-so-mysterious vomiting.

Anna: What if this is heartbreak? What if this green stuff I’m puking up is my very own heart liquified?

What, and it just turned green for fun?

Anna: WHAT IF?

To shut her up get her back to working on her LTW, she was swiftly sent outside to start working on her newest masterpiece.

Also, these are in chronological order, I have no idea why she’s in her pyjamas now. She probably took a nap.

Meanwhile, Rena was sent off on another errand to the Summer Festival. She did totally have a reason for being here, but I’m incorrigible so naturally we had to take a picture:

Yeah, I didn’t think about how blurry that was going to be when I sized it up. Whoopsies. This is far from the last festival pic we’ll be taking in this Legacy because I am going to try and get one every holiday (until I ultimately forget one day and then it never happens again). Anyway, just enjoy Rena trying not to look awkward.

The errand, of course, was to make use of the lot’s handy-dandy chess table, since Miss Rena the professional Snitch has to learn logic for the job for some reason.

Rena: Lot of thinking involved in being a grass.

I bet. Unfortunately, it has lessened my opinion of you by a lot. And that really is saying something, considering the glue fiasco. As they say in many a graffiti (graffito?) on the walls of Ireland: “Touts out!” Or, more commonly, snitches get stitches.

Elsewhere at the festival, this guy (who I think is the fella that got a promotion last night and interrupted the girls’ date) was having a whale of a time with his imaginary girlfriend. I don’t know his name, so we shall dub him ‘Kitchen Wench’.

Kitchen Wench: She’s not imaginary! Her feet are right here!
The feet:

Yeah, it’s not looking good for you, buddy.

With a point or two of logic to her name, Rena chose to join the ranks of the Sad Lonely Skaters™.

KW: Again, she is RIGHT HERE.

She’s not even in the picture, mate. This is just pathetic.

Rena decided to help out a fellow SLS™ by allowing him to pretend he also had a girlfriend, and that she wasn’t just a pair of disembodied rollerskates.

Greenie: Wow, a real girl!
Rena: Please stop sweating on me.

Where’d your girlfriend go, KW?

KW: …she disappeared.

I totally called it.

Hey, snitches really do get stitches!

Rena: No time for jokes, I think he’s dead.

Ah, shit.

(Side Note: The woman on the far right skating without actual skates was the owner of the disembodied feet, I used NRaaS to fix her invisibility. I also think it’s Martha Tripp, the first person Anna ever spoke to. She’s not KW’s girlfriend, because I also think he’s married to the fairy guy from the gym in the last chapter. Everyone start singing “It’s a Small World” now please)

Back home, Anna nets us a Bestseller! No prizes for guessing what I was experiencing when I came up with that title. I also started wondering around now if people would get bored of seeing the book pop-ups and then realised I don’t care because I think I’m funny and want to show off the titles I come up with.

(Desperate for approval? How’d you know?)

It turns out WFC’s festival lot has a LOT of collectables. Like, a WHOLE lot. To the point where it feels almost cheaty to take advantage of it.

Rena: Those wildflowers will get us a lot of money.

Likely, yes.

Rena: The bugs too.

Considering how broke you guys are? Yeah, even the bugs would make good enough money.

Rena: Come on, little ladybird, I won’t hurt you, just sell you for a reasonable profit.

Assuming that the place you sell them to doesn’t use them for testing or experiments.


That’s right, ignore your morals and think of the money.

See what I mean about the collectables? It felt wrong to collect them but then… that’s what they’re THERE for. It’s in the NAME.

…Anyway, Rena collected 4 bugs and 22 wildflowers which brought in §4,435. So like… it’s not THAT cheaty. It’s not like it brings in a fortune. I could do it again. I might do it again.

(I will do it again and no-one can stop me)

Back home, Anna was thinking again.

Anna: The Moon Landing was a fake.

Nope, stop thinking now, please.

And focus instead on the actual house with (wait for it…) an actual kitchen. And a bedroom. And windows! And lights for every room! It almost brings a tear to the eye.

Inside, I realised that the seed-to-mushroom transformation didn’t count towards the conversion spell wish – maybe because the seed didn’t belong to Rena? I’m not sure. But luckily, witches are obsessed with creating apples, so we had an abundance of things we could turn into other things.

…Wow, a seed. That was almost worth it.

Rena: I’m gonna go play chess now.


First pop of the Legacy!

Anna: My little computer mouse!

Says the technophobe? What is going on?

Anna: Pregnancy hormones. Also, I want a boy.

I’m promising nothing.

Rena: Zzzz…hello, pregnant wife…zzzZ
Anna: Go back to sleep.
Rena: Okie…zzzzzz…I want a girl…zzzz
Anna: Dangit.

The good thing about living on an absurdly large lot is that when your witch sim inevitably wants to cause fiery destruction, they can go as far away from the house as possible.

Rena: Hehe, fire.

Rena: Fire.

Yes, well done. Please put it out now.

Rena: …(sigh) FINE.

Rena: (sniff)

Are you crying because I’m not letting you commit arson?

Rena: …No. There’s smoke in my eyes.

Well, there won’t be for much longer.

Rena: (SNIFF)

It’s Leisure Day! The wives got sent off to the festival for what I hope will become the time-honoured tradition of festival pictures. This kid did NOT get the memo about the holiday, though. Seriously, homework?

Anna: What a plate.

Tell me about it.

Attack of the Pixels, I guess. And here I thought taking a screencap of the preview you get before posting it online would be a good idea. I guess it’ll be back to the ol’ picture-of-a-picture when it’s hung up on the wall or something. That’ll have to come into effect on Snowflake Day though, since I’ve already got the Spooky Day one.

Back to the festival, and temptations abound as I discover that the abundance of wildflowers regrew overnight. I don’t even remember if that’s normal or if it’s WFC’s way of taunting me. I want to say it’s the latter.

Wildflowers: Pick usssss……pick us and receive the riches your heart so desiressssss…..

But it feels so wrong T.T

Thankfully, these two can always find new ways to distract me.

Anna: Hehe, this is how I got pregnant.

Well, not exactly.

Are you gonna rip it up now?

Rena: Why would I do that?

Isn’t that the routine? You rip it up so no one has to see it?

Rena: I’m keeping this forever. I want to be buried with these pictures. I want them tattooed on my body.

For the sake of everyone else, PLEASE destroy them.

With the public indecency out of the way, it’s back to grinding. I know Rena’s LTW has nothing to do with her career, but we need money, so logic skilling it is. For Anna- you know you have to open your eyes in order to write?

Anna: My hand will guide itself.

It has sentience now?

Anna: I am a mere vessel for the Gods. Their words flow through me. Their spirits move my hand.

Would you stop being weird FOR FIVE MINUTES?!

(Yes, you can read that in Shrek’s voice, I don’t mind)

Unfortunately, the power of the gods don’t entertain her enough, so once she’d gotten stressed halfway through, it was over to join her wife on the chess board.

Anna: I play for the white side because I’m a beacon of light for the gods.
Rena: I play for the dark side because it matches my hair.

What a sane and normal couple.

Once I’d gotten fed up of the festival (or it started raining, I don’t remember), it was back to our regular viewing of Anna-sitting-with-notebook-and-pencil. Thrilling content.

Anna: I can’t read a word of this.

Maybe because your eyes were closed the whole time?

Anna: No, that’s not it. Clearly, it’s an ancient language not meant for mere mortals.

Oh, obviously. Why didn’t I think of that?

I still get the feeling that this is a very one-sided love.

Rena: Hey, babe, look! I made bubbles!
Anna: (eyes closed) That’s nice, dear.

A new day dawns, and with it, Rena’s first day of work! Although, I have to wonder if this is really the expected uniform for a Snitch. Surely, it’s not very inconspicuous.

Rena: Nah, it’s just my old uniform from the resort. I look hot in it, so I figured I’d wear it again.

It’s like those logic skillpoints just bounced right off your head.

Once Anna arises for the day, it’s back to writing. She chose to go outside for, I don’t know, a change of scenery? I don’t particularly want to know what goes through her head.

Anna: Closer to the Gods.

Naturally. Stalker guy there is a paparazzo, if you’re wondering.

Pap: Mrs Bennet! Mrs Bennet! You’re my favourite person ever! I love you so much I could just-

-Spontaneously combust?


This, folks, is the result of a vampire paparazzo in the middle of summer. I’m thrilled to know it’s not just my own Sims who are morons.

Anna: (sniff) Mmm, is someone having a barbecue?

Although, they do top the leaderboards.

That’s it, Anna, just focus on getting another Bestseller, nothing else important going on around here.

(Although, with this book done, we’re 29% to her LTW! For some reason, there’s a glitch with the notebook CC where some of the book options don’t have text, so I blindly chose one and it turned out to be poetry, which gets in the big bucks, even if they do take longer to write. Naturally, I decided to just keep writing poetry books for the rest of her LTW)

Anna: Oh shit, there’s a guy on fire here!

How observant of you.

Anna: Thank the Gods I brought my pocket fire extinguisher!
Pap: Mrs Bennet, I owe you my life!
Anna: Give your life to the Gods, my friend, I have no use for it.

And with that, he ran off and became a monk.

Anna: All in a day’s work!

(I really need to move away from this, it’s giving me religious-upbringing PTSD. Eh, we’ll see how it goes)

With the money from the last book, we got some new things in the house! I’m really trying to move away from technology in this generation, thanks to Little Miss Technophobe, so we’re going to have to look elsewhere for entertainment – currently, that bookcase is like crack to these two.

And thus begins the process of Rena magically upgrading every upgradable item in the whole house (and then, when that’s done, upgrading to the other option(s), and then back to the one I want) because it’s the easiest way to build the spellcasting skill. Also, book number 6 has been started!

I’m really discovering my sadistic side in this Legacy. Note the light change outside the windows, the stink clouds from Anna, and realise that I’ve kept her there this whole time. Rena’s in bed, of course, because it’s around midnight now. I did give in and send her off to shower after this.

She had only just gotten out when her water broke. I’m just mad it happened in the tiny bathroom, it’s so difficult to get a good angle.

Anna: THAT’S what you’re focusing on?!

Well, yeah.

Please welcome the first baby of the Legacy! Mr Austen Bennet was born at 2:48am on Week 1, Day 7 of the Legacy (a Saturday). He’s a Witch, is Eccentric and Brave, and likes Island Life, Mushroom Omelettes, and Lime.

Since we don’t quite have the money for any house extensions yet, the lime green bundle has been relegated to the living room.

As you can probably tell, he has Anna’s skin.

Rena: The skin of my wife…

No, don’t be weird about it.

Unfortunately, the grind don’t stop even if you’re a new mother, so it’s back to finishing that book! Wait, what’s wrong?

Anna: The Gods have forsaken me.

Oh, dear. That’s very sad.

In other news, with Rena having upgraded all the bathroom appliances, we’ve unlocked the Haunting Curse! I know the spell we need is unlocked at level 10 of the hidden skill, and I think this is level 5, so we’re halfway there!

(To completing the skill portion, I mean. Obviously, we’ll still have to actually reanimate people)

Speaking of halfway through, guess who else hit the midpoint of their LTW?

Since it’s pretty clear Anna will complete hers first, I figured she could be our portrait painter for this generation. I was feeling merciful after she completed her last book, so I let her start skilling.

Outside, Rena was finishing up some skilling of her own.

Rena: That was tiring work!

Wait, what exactly were you doing?

Oh, hey, money!

Rena: Named it after my very own star.

Normally, I would think this was cute, but I never know with her.

Wow, what a… masterpiece!

Anna: It’s our house 🙂

Complete with glittery walls and roof. And the sun, even though it’s night-time?

Anna: Artistic licence.

Or stupidity.

The next morning, we got our first royalty cheque, which means upgrades!

Also a nursery for our resident burrito, complete with nothing else because we ran out of money. Great!

Rena: Hehe, my wife is so cute.
Anna: Why is this damn pencil not WRITING?

Because you’re using the eraser?

Rena: So silly.

Not the word I would use.

My chronology got a little skewed here, but I know she was doing magic before work, so I guess this is the next day? Ah well, level 6 in spellcasting!

Oh, hey, Rena’s home from work, that means we can- Guys?

Well, I guess Austen does need a sibling.

Guys, there really is something else we have to do-

Anna: Nearly done.

Okay, but hurry-


Anna: I done it.

And we’re 72% of the way to her LTW, if you can believe it.

Okay, now we can do what we need to.

Anna: There you go, son. Happy birthday.

No, see, I wanted you to carry him over to the cake.

Anna: Nah.

Well, at least one of you has sense.

Rena: What do now.

Ah yes, my mistake.

Well, despite all of that (and the full moon glow, ugh) here’s Austen! I think he might be a clone of Anna, aside from the hair which is not actually Rena’s! At first I thought it was black like her’s, but on closer inspection, it’s a very dark blond. As far as mutations go, I’m just glad it’s not that shit brown hair colour I hate.

You know your son is a toddler now?

Anna: Sorry, too busy hopscotching!

I fear for that child.

Shockingly*, Rena takes to motherhood very well.

Rena: And a one, two, three, four… Hoes in this house, there’s some hoes in this house– No, no, sweetheart, wrong key.

I suppose anything is better than nothing.

*It’s not that shocking, really.

Rena even wished to teach him to walk, if you can believe it.

Rena: Yes, now keep the position, shift your weight to your left leg, that’s it! You’ll be a ballet dancer in no time!

No, I didn’t either.

Uh, Anna?

Anna: Enjoying the view?

Not really. What are you wearing?

Anna: My uniform. Do you like it?

It looks like you’re wearing a sack with holes cut out for your arms and head.

Anna: …I was feeling creative 😦

Well, I guess we’d best take advantage of the creativity. And look, now you can write to the delicate xylophone-playing of your eldest child!

Anna: How’d he know that’s my favourite song?

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

I do worry about the trauma that’s being inflicted on this child. Now, he’s being left to starve.

I’m also positive that’s Anna’s nose.


Jesus, okay.


Should’ve called him Shakespeare.

The good thing about this not being an ISBI, though, is that we can let him pass out on the floor with no guilt about it losing us points.

And if it causes him any problems, at least we’ve got another heir candidate on the way.

Rena’s new hobby is autonomously casting the Love Charm. She’d already done it twice on herself, and this was the first time on Anna.

Rena: LOVE ME.

Anna: Oh, Rena, you’re so cool and magical!
Rena: Great, now we can woohoo.

You could’ve just asked?

Back to the books, and number 8 is almost finished!

With this, Anna’s LTW is 97% complete, and we’ve only got §137 to go!

But first, a quick break to teach Austen to talk, as per Anna’s wish.

Anna: Hey Austen, your mama’s gonna be a rich and famous author!

Oh thanks, crush my dreams, why don’t you?

With that done, it’s back to our final book. This time, the background noise is… not quite as easy on the ears.


Wow, that’s a lot of money- Wait. Does this mean…

We’re done!

And what, you may ask, is my first order of business with the influx of LTH points?

Hell yeah.

So, I started writing this chapter at 3am on Friday, and it’s now 7am on Monday. I wish I could say I was doing something really important in the meantime, but mostly I was sleeping. Like, a lot. Way too much, in fact. I started a course of iron and folic acid two weeks ago to see if that’ll do anything, and so far all it’s done is make my period heavier and change the colour of certain… bodily productions (Shame? Never heard of her).

I need to stop using these A/Ns as a therapy session, I swear to God.

Enough about me. I hope you enjoyed, and Happy Simming as always!

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